2 years ago on Feb 20th, 2020, MistaFluent & I started this journey together with a few unimaginable hopes and dreams.

Although many would tell us at the time that our visions were unattainable, the drive we had to succeed outweighed the negative remarks and energy from other sources. So needless to say, we went for it anyway ..... and throughout the early days of our company being established, we ran into a substantial amount of obstacles. One of which being, COVID!!!! A month after the brick and mortar physical FluentRadio studio was created, we were introduced with the infamous Novel Coronavirus Pandemic and had no idea how that would impact what we had put so much blood, sweat and tears into. Not only were we new at running a full radio radio station, managing employees, producing live shows on a weekly basis, working with sponsors, etc we had to keep our "baby" from tanking and failure was not an option. It took a few days after (me crying a bit lol! and my nerves driving me absolutely insane) that we realized that this COVID thing was just a distraction and therefore the SHOW must go on!! We closed our studio for 1 week and when we re-opened we came back with a vengeance and hunger that had to be satisfied.

A blast into the past !!
Day #1 of the FluentRadio Studio !

The WFLU-DB FluentRadio Studio...NOW!!!

We started off with 3 shows. 2 of which have still remained strong and dedicated to the FluentRadio team. Those shows are "The Live Show" with host The Live One and "The DMZ" with host(s) Delmonaco and Desiree. Which respectfully air weekly on Thursdays at 1:30PM and Sundays at 11AM. In total, we have had over 40+ shows which have rotated on The FluentRadio platform. Within the year we have become syndicated in over 10 other media markets and cities. Our first successful syndication was our sister station in Jamz 95.3 FM in Philly and our partnership still remains strong. Added to the list recently have been Indie 101.5 (New Jersey), Power 108.9 (Atlanta), PowerHouse 106FM (Tampa) and Mixed Talk Media (Houston ) to name a few. We also have valuable media correspondents Mr. Dress&Rest (Baltimore) creator and CEO of Soulful Sundays and No Goofy Sh!t @_nogoofyshit, Mz. Metchi (Chicago) CEO of The BluePrint Media Company @thebpmediaco and Elise May of EyeScream Media.
Press Play !!!!
Special mention to our admin team who work diligently to make our radio station and entertainment agency what it is today:
Mel "Mista Fluent" Evans / Ceo & Founder
Sandra "Laydie Fluent" Evans / Ceo & Founder (Myself Lol!)
Jeff "Jefe" Loving / Station Producer & Audio Director
Shantay "Woman of Life" McKennie / Dir. of Public Relations
Brendaliz "Bibi" Nieves-Cruz / Dir. of Special Events
Stay tuned for the next issue of The MAG entertainment Magazine dropping soon. Make sure to like and follow us on all social media @FluentRadio.
Written by: Laydie Fluent