WFLU-DB FluentRadioTM
A BossFluent Ent. Company
Press play & listen live here 24/7
* On air description will differ when a live broadcast is playing

About Us
FluentRadio WFLU-DB is a syndicated radio station and entertainment company located in Crestwood, IL. We offer a variety of services including the ability to start your own radio show or podcast, radio interviews, musical rotation, sponsorships and commercials. Get an interview to promote your business, music, or cause. Established in 2019, FluentRadio has made huge jumps in it's lifetime. Starting it's first show with only 17 listeners FluentRadio has grown to be the most listened to program on the ESM network, peaking at 18,615 listeners. in less than a year. CEO's "MisTaFluent" and "LaydieFluent", have now built a new radio station and entertainment agency in the heart of Crestwood named FluentRadio and Boss Fluent Entertainment. This is where they have continued to broadcast and provide a platform for others to broadcast. The FluentRadio station focuses on music, entrepreneurship and "the conversations people don't want to have."
Check out the photo and video portion of our website for recent events and shows that we have participated in. To see full videos, follow us on Soundcloud and all social media @fluentradio!

FluentRadio Rule and Information Sheet
The WFLU-DB FLUENTRADIO station broadcasts in Crestwood, IL and the surrounding city. Our websites are www.fluentradio.com and www.bossfluentent.com. We stream online to an unlimited, worldwide audience via www.fluentradio.com. We record select shows with windows voice recorder for the option to create a podcast.
Supplies, Personal belongings,5 people total
Not Allowed:
Alcoholic drinks, Gum, Food, Drugs, Weapons, Over 5 patrons
Radio personalities:
Radio personalities are the backbone of our station. Without content radio personalities we wouldn’t have such an amazing station! Radio personalities or “RP’s” are leasing time on our station. They are acting clients. RP’s have the option to acquire radio commercials and sponsors for their shows. They are also allowed to have guests on their show.
If a guest uses illegal language on a particular show; the radio personality of that show will be held responsible! There are no exceptions to this rule. We do not condone hate speech of any kind.
Guests who enter our studio will be required to show a form of ID, fill out a disclaimer agreement and may be liable for a guest fee (fees for select shows may differ). If the guest does not adhere to all our terms, they will not be allowed to air/speak on our station. Guests include: small business owners, non-for-profit organizations, musical artists, models, actors, directors, podcasters, and public figures. If large companies, or certified celebrities visit our station they are not required to pay the fee.
FluentRadio owners and management do not necessarily agree and reflect the thoughts of show hosts and/or guests. Verbal thoughts and opinions voiced on any show are those of whom said such thoughts and opinions. FluentRadio ownership shall not be held liable for anything said or mentioned during any live taping of any show on the BFE network.
FluentRadio Public Services:
Song placement on the roster: $90-$250/month
Commercial placement on the roster: $70-$170/month
For all other services, please contact us directly for a pamphlet of promotional services and pricing at
FluentRadio is owned and operated by CEO's Melvin Evans and Sandra Evans. They can be reached by all RP's via personal phone and email at pr.fluentradio889@gmail.com or fluentradio@gmail.com.
FluentRadio can be found on all social media under "FluentRadio".